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Structural Analysis and Design Books


    A Brief Study of Using Membrane Sheel Plate in Assigning a Slab or Wall
    A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures
    A Designer's Guide to Displacement Based Design of RC Structural Walls
    A Variational Approach to Structural Analysis, David V. Wallerstein
    Above Ground Storage Tanks
    ACI Detailing Manual
    Adaptive Structures - Engineering Applications
    Advanced Method of Structural Analysis
    Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis
    Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
    Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis
    Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis
    Advanced Structural Dynamics And Active Control Of Structures
    Advances in Design Optimization.CHM
    AH Allen Reinforced Concrete Design To BS8110
    Alternate Path Method in Progressive Collapse Analysis - Variation of Dynamic and Non-Linear Load Increase Factors
    An introduction to meshfree methods and their programming
    An Introduction to Structural Optimization (2)
    An introduction to structural optimization
    Analysis and Design Elastic Beams
    Analysis and Design of Plated Structures (2)
    Analysis and Design of Plated Structures
    Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
    Analysis and Design og Elastic Beams
    Analysis and Optimization of Prismatic and Axisymmetric Shell Structures; Theory, Practice and Software.djvu
    Analysis of Alternative Systems for a Berthing Structures
    Analysis of Composite Structures
    Analysis of Concrete Structures by Fracture Mechanics
    Analysis of Engineering Structures
    Analysis of Structural Member Systems
    Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel Space Frames (2)
    Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel Space Frames
    Analytical Methods in Anisotropic Elasticity
    Analytical Modelling of Structural Systems
    Analyzing Uncertainty in Civil Engineering
    Anchorage Zone Reinforcement for Post-Tensioned Concrete Girder
    Architectural Engineering Design
    ASCE Design of Blast-Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities (2nd Edition)
    Asymptotic Methods in the Buckling Theory of Elastic Shells
    Basic Concepts and Conventional Methods of Structural Analysis
    Basic Engineering Plasticity - An Introduction with Engineering and Manufacturing Applications
    Basic Modeling and Analysis Concepts KL Aug 2002.ppt
    Beam Structures Classical and Advanced Theories
    Behavior, Analysis and Design og Complex Wall Systems
    Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs
    Bendings of Surfaces and Stability of Shells
    Blast and Progressive Collapse
    Boundary Elements
    Buckling of Thin Metal Structures
    Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and PCA Notes on ACI 318-8
    Building Fire Performance Analysis
    Building Information Modeling
    Building Structures
    Calibration of the Live Load Factor in LFRD Design Guidelines
    Car Park Designers' Handbook
    Circular Storage Tanks and Silos
    Code Master - Wind Design Overview 2009 IBC - ASCE 7-05
    Communication Structures
    Composite Beam Design to Eurocode 4
    Composite Repair - Theory and Design
    Composite Slabs and Beams using Steel Decking - Best Practice for Design and Construction
    Composite Structures
    Computational Mechanics in Structural Engineering
    Computational Methods for Plasticity - Theory and Applications
    Computational Structural Engineering
    Computer Aided Design of Cable Membrane Structures
    Computer Aided Structural Analysis
    Computer Analysis and Reinforced Concrete Design of Beams
    Concise Eurocode 2
    Concrete Beams with Openings (2)
    Concrete Beams with Openings
    Concrete Building Scheme
    Concrete design to EN1992
    Confined Masonry
    Connection Design.ppt
    Contact Problems in Elasticity
    Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems
    CPCI Design Manual - 4th Ed, Canadian Precast & Concrete Institue
    Cullen 2008 CDlowres
    Cullen Timber Engineering Connectors
    Data Book for Civil Engineers - Design Handbook - EE Seelye
    Deck Design Guide
    Decoding EUROCODE 7
    Deflection Calculation in Detail
    Design Aids for Eurocode
    Design Analysis of Beams, Circular Plates and Cylindrical Tanks on Elastic Foundations
    Design and Construction Building in Value
    Design and Construction of Foundations by GP Manning
    Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures
    Design and Detailing of Movement Joints
    Design Guide - Post tensioned concrete floors
    Design Guide for Blast Resistant Structures, DJ Forbes
    Design Guide for Floor Vibration
    Design Guide for SHS Concrete Filled Columns, Corus
    Design Guidelines for Connections of Precast Structures under Seismic Action
    Design Handbook for RC Elements
    Design Loading for Deeply Buried Box Culverts
    Design notes for seismic design of building accordance to Eurocode 8
    Design of a Reinforced Concrete Deck-Girder Bridge to AASHTO & ACI Codes
    Design of Anchor Reinforcement
    Design of Blast Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities
    Design of Buildings for Wind- A Guide for ASCE 7-10 Standard Users and Designers of Special Structures_ 2nd Edition
    Design of Composite Beams using Precast Concrete Slabs
    Design of Concrete Buildings for Earthquake and Wind Forces - UBC 1997
    Design of Concrete Structures - 14th Edition
    Design Of Concrete Structures - Prof. Dhrubajyoti Sen
    Design of Concrete Structures
    Design of Hydraulic Structures.pptx
    Design of Liquid - Containing Concrete Structures foe Earthquake force
    Design of Liquid Containing Concrete Structures under Earthquake Forces DLCCSEF
    Design of Marine Structures
    Design of Prestressed Concrete Flat Slabs
    Design of RC as per ACI 318
    Design of Reinforced Concrete - ACI 318-11
    Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations by PC Varghese
    Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 1 - DR. Mashhour A. Ghoneim
    Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 2 - DR. Mashhour A. Ghoneim
    Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 3 - DR. Mashhour A. Ghoneim
    Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures - M L Gambhir 2008
    Design Of Reinforced Flat Slabs To BS 8110 (CIRIA 110)
    Design of Small Dams, 1987
    Design of Structural Elements
    Design Oriented Analysis of Structures - A Unified Approach
    Design recommendation for Composite Steel Framed Building in Fire
    Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems
    Design, Production and Placement of Self-Consolidating
    Designed & Detailed - BS 8110
    Designed & Detailed to BS 8110
    Designing Floor Slabs on Grade
    Development of Nondistructive Methods for Measurement of Slab Thickness and Madulus of Rupture in Concrete Pavements
    Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems
    Dynamic Response
    Dynamics in the Practice of Structural Design - Sircovich Sarr
    Dynamics of Thin Walled Elastic Bodies.djvu
    Economic Concrete Frame Elements to Eurocode 2
    Economic Long Span Concrete Floor Slabs
    Elastic Stability of Solids and Structures (2)
    Elastic Stability of Solids and Structures
    Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics
    Elasticity, J. R. Barber.djvu
    Elasto Plastic and Damage Analysis of Plates and Shells
    Elementary Behaviour of Composite Steel and Concrete Structural Members, Deric Oehlers, Mark A. Bradford
    Elements of the theory of structures - Jacques
    Energy Simulation in Building Design
    Equivalent Frame Analysis for Slab Design
    EuroCode 2 Commentary
    Eurocode 8 - Seismic Design of Buildings - Worked Examples
    European Design Guide for Tensile Surface Structures
    Evaluation of Longitudinal Joint Tie Bar System
    Exact Analysis of Biperiodic structures
    Exact Solution for Buckling of Structural Members
    Experiment and Calculation of Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures
    Explosion-Resistant Buildings
    Factory Pipe Rack Foundation Hand Calculation and SAP2000
    Fatigue Design of Components, Gary Marquis & J. Solin
    Fatigue of Structures and Materials
    Fatigue Testing and Analysis
    Finite Element Analysis in Beam to Beam Contact
    Finite Element for Engineers
    Finite Element Method
    Finite element modeling of the consolidation behavior of multi-column
    Fire Safety Engineering
    Flextural and Tensile Properties of Thin very High Strenth Fiber Reinfoced Concrete Panels
    Flexural Anchorage
    Floating Structures - A Guide for  Design and Analysis vol 2
    Floating Structures, A Guide for  Design and Analysis
    FRACOD Manual V22
    FRP Composites for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures
    Fundamentals of Structural Analysis - 3rd Edition - Solution Manual
    Fundamentals of Structural Analysis
    Fundamentals of Structural Engineering
    Fundamentals of Structural Stability
    Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Dowel Bar Evaluation
    Global Structural Analysis of Buildings
    Graded Examples in Reinforced Concrete Design dias
    Graded Examples in Reinforced Concrete Design_3
    Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots
    Guide to the Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs
    Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical Facilities
    Handbook for Blast Resistant Design of Buildings
    Handbook of Structural Engineering
    Handbook of Thin Plate Buckling and Postbuckling
    Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing
    Hollow Sections In Structural Applications
    How to Design Concrete Buildings to Satisfy Disproportionate Collapse Requirements
    How to Design Concrete Structures using Eurocode 2 (2)
    How to Design Concrete Structures using Eurocode 2
    Hydrostatically Loaded Structures
    interaction curves
    Introduction to Boundary Elements
    Introduction to SACS
    Inverse Problems in Vibration
    Lateral movements in composite high-rise buildings under Seismic Action
    Limit State of Materials and Structures
    Linear & Nonlinear Structural Mechanics
    Linear and Nonlinear Finite  Strip Analysis of Bridges
    Linking Models and Experiments
    Load and Resistance Factor Design By Theodore V. Galambos
    Manual for Design and Detailings of Reinforced Concrete to Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete
    Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2 (amended September 2007, March 2008, March and August 2009 and May 2010)
    Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2
    Manual for the design of reinforced concrete building structure 2002
    Manual for the design of reinforced concrete building structures
    Manual of Design Reinforcement Structures
    Masonry Design and Detailing
    Masonry Structural Design
    Mathematical Elasticity
    Matrix Analysis of Framed Structure
    Matrix Method
    McKenzie - Examples in Structural Analysis
    Mechanics of Structural Elements
    Mechanics of Structures Variational and Computational Methods
    Methods of Structural Analysis
    Modal Analysis
    Modal pushover analysis symmetric symmetric and unsymmetric plan buildings
    Modeling Complex Engineering Structures
    Modeling Complex Structures
    Modeling of Creep for Structural Analysis
    Modeling the Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on a Tall Building Bearing on a Mat Foundation
    Modelling and Analysis of Infilled Frame Structures Under Seismic Loads
    Modern Experimental Stress Analysis (2)
    Modern Experimental Stress Analysis
    Modern Protective Structures
    Monitoring and Assessment of Structures
    Non- Destructive
    Nonlinear Analysis of Structures
    Nonlinear Structural Engineering
    Nonlinear Theory of Shallow Shells, I.I.Vorovich
    Numerical Analyses of Cable Roof Structures
    Numerical Modeling and Ecperimental Investigation of the Local Hydrology of a Porus Concrete Site
    Offshore Structures - Analysis and Design
    Parking Structure
    PCI Connections Manual (Design Guide)
    Performance Based Evaluation of Shear Walled RCC Building by Pushover Analysis
    Performance Based Seismic Evaluation of Icon Hotel in Dubai
    Performance of Lap Splices in Large Scale Column
    Performance-Based Design of Structural Steel for Fire Conditions
    Performance-Based Seismic Design Code for Buildings in Japan
    Piled Raft Foundations for Tall Buildings
    Plastic Analysis (2)
    Plastic Analysis
    Plastic Design of Frames (2)
    Plastic Design of Frames
    Plasticity - Mathematical Theory and Numerical Analysis (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics
    Plasticity Theory
    Portal Frames.ppt
    Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in building
    Practical Stress Analysis in Engineering Design 3rd Ed
    Practical yield line Design (2)
    Practical Yield Line Design
    Practitioners Guide to Finite Element Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Structures
    Precast Concrete Frame Buildings - Design Guide
    Prediction camber deflection and prestress losses in prestressed concrete members
    Preliminary Design of a 20-story Reinforced Concrete Building
    Pressure Vessel Design Manual 3rd Edition
    Prestress Losses in Prestressed Bride Girders Cast with Self Consolidating Concrete
    Prestress Manual for inspectors
    Principles of Structural Design
    Principles of Structural Stability Theory (1974)
    Programming the Dynamics Analysis of Structures
    Punching Shear Calculation
    Punching Shear in Concrete Slabs
    Push Over Analysis.ppt
    Pushover Analysis
    RC Beam Column Joint
    Reanalysis of Structures
    Recommended LFRD Minimum Flextural Reinforcement Requirements
    Reinforce concrete - Chimney and Towers
    Reinforced Column Beam Joints.ppt
    Reinforced Concrete Analysis and Design - S S Ray
    Reinforced concrete analysis and design
    Reinforced Concrete Beams, Columns and Frames
    Reinforced concrete deep beams
    Reinforced Concrete Design (2)
    Reinforced concrete Design - IS 456-2000
    Reinforced concrete design - limit state -  p c varghese (scanned)
    Reinforced concrete design a practical approach
    Reinforced Concrete Design by Computer
    Reinforced Concrete Design by Everard and Tanner
    Reinforced Concrete Design by Pillai & Menon
    Reinforced concrete design by Pillai and Menon
    Reinforced Concrete Design by W H MOSLEY
    Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook
    Reinforced Concrete Design in accordance to AS3600-2001
    Reinforced Concrete Design Limit State - Varghese P C
    Reinforced Concrete Design Mosley Bungey
    Reinforced Concrete Design of Tall Buildings by Bungale S. Taranath
    Reinforced Concrete Design Theory & Examples - T J MacGINLEY
    Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Example 3ed
    Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Examples 3Ed
    Reinforced Concrete Design To BS 8110
    Reinforced Concrete Design, 3rd ed,Leet
    Reinforced Concrete Design-Krishnaraju
    Reinforced Concrete Design
    Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design - James G MacGregor
    Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design 6th Edition by Wight MacGregor
    Reinforced Concrete Slabs by Robert Park and William L.Gamble 2000
    Reinforced Concrete Structures - Lecture Note
    Reinforced concrete structures
    Reinforcement Concrete Design with FRP Composites
    Reliability Based Structural Design
    Residential Cellular Concrete Buildings
    Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Incorporation of Results Into Design
    Response Spectrum.ppt
    Retrofitting Design of Building Structures
    Rreinforced Concrete
    Rules of Thumb for Steel Design
    SCI Design of Composite Slabs and Beams
    SDI Manual of Construction with Steel Deck
    Seawall Design
    Seismic & Wind Design Of Concrete Buildings
    Seismic Building Systems.ppt
    Seismic Design for Buildings
    Seismic Design of Reinforced and Precast Concrete Buildings By Robert E. Englekirk
    Service Life of Corrosion Damged Reinforced Concrete Bridge Superstructure Elements
    Shear Wall Frame Interaction (2)
    Shear Wall Frame Interaction
    Shear Wall Frame
    Shear Wall Frame.ppt
    Shock, Impact and Explosion
    Shore approach 26 years performance of high quality concrete in a marine environment
    Simple Bridge Design Using Prestressed Beams
    Simplified Computations
    Simplified Design - Reinforced Concrete Buildings of Moderate Size and Height
    Simplified Live Load Distribution Factor Equations
    Simplified Shear Design of Structural COncrete Members
    Slender Column - Sway Frame - ACI 318-08 PCA Notes Design Example 11-2
    Snow and Wind Loading
    Soil–structure interaction in tall buildings by a discrete force method
    Space Grid Structures
    Spreadsheets for Concrete Design BS 8110 and EC2
    Spreadsheets in Structural Design 1995
    Stability and Optimization of Structures
    Stability of Buildings
    Stability of Structures Elastic, Inelastic, Fracture, and Damage Theories
    Stability of Structures
    Staggered Truss Framing Systems Using ETABS
    Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations
    standard method of detailing structural concrete
    Standard Structural Design of Law Rise Residential Building in Reinforced Concrete Construction
    Static and Dynamic Response of a Sandsich Structure under Axial Compression
    Static and Dynamic Response
    Statically Indeterminate Structures
    Steel Strucures in Seismic Zones
    Strength Design of Anchorage to Concrete (2)
    Strength Design of Anchorage to Concrete
    Strength of Materials (Materials Science and Technologies Series)
    Stress Analysis - Theory, Tutorials and Examples
    Structur Analysis
    Structural Analysis (2)
    Structural Analysis - 6th Edition - SI units - R C Hibbeler
    Structural Analysis - Matthew L Camilleri
    Structural Analysis - R C Hibbeler
    Structural Analysis - R. C. Hibbeler
    Structural Analysis - The Analytical Method
    Structural Analysis and Design of Process Equipment
    Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings Steel and Composite Construction
    Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
    Structural Analysis Book
    Structural Analysis Hibbler 6th edition
    Structural Analysis In Theory and Practice
    Structural Analysis of Historic Construction
    Structural Analysis of Polymeric Composite Materials
    Structural Analysis of Regular Multi-Storey Buildings
    Structural ANalysis System Installation
    Structural Analysis The Analytical Method
    Structural Analysis, A Unified Classical and Matrix Approach, Ghali
    Structural Analysis
    Structural and Stress Analysis (2nd Edition)
    Structural Concrete 'Finite-element analysis for limit-state design' (465-565)
    Structural Connections Precast Concrete Building
    Structural Damping - Applications in Seismic Response Modification
    Structural Design of Stainless Steel - SCI P291
    Structural Design Optimization
    Structural Detailing in Concrete - Civilax.com
    Structural Details In Concrete
    Structural Elements for Architects and Builders
    Structural Engineering Analysis and Design
    Structural Fire Design
    Structural Foundation Designers Manual
    Structural Health Monitoring with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors
    Structural Health Monitoring
    Structural Impact (2)
    Structural Impact
    Structural Mechanics
    Structural Merphology
    Structural Modeling and Experimental Techniques
    Structural Optimization with Uncertainties
    Structural Optimization
    Structural Plasticity - Limit, Shakedown and Dynamic Plastic Analyses of Structures
    Structural Scheme Design Guide - Arup
    Structural Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization
    Structural Stability of Columns and Plates - N.G.R.Iyenger
    Structural System for Tall Buildings
    Structural Systems Behaviour and Design
    Structural Timber Design
    Structural_analysis (2)
    Structure and Fabric - Part 1 7th Ed
    Structures Subjected to Repeated Loading - R. Narayanan
    Strut and Tie Model
    Strut and Tie Modelling
    Strut-and-tie modelling of reinforced concrete pile-caps
    Stud Welding of Shear Connectors on Steel Bridges
    Study on High-rise Structure with Oblique Columns by ETABS, SAP2000, MIDASGEN and SATWE
    Tall Building Full
    Tall Building Structures (2)
    Tall Building Structures-S Taranath
    Tall Building Structures
    Tall Buildings Initiative
    Tall Buildings
    Tension Structures Form and Behavior
    The (Wood) Span Book 2004 Edition
    The ACI Dealing Certificat
    The Art of Resisting Extreme Natural Forces
    the design life of structures
    The Design of Prestressed Concrete Bridges
    The Design of Tall Buildings
    The Equivalent Frame Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Slabs
    The History of the Theory of Structures
    The Nature of Windstorm and Wind Induced Damages
    The Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings with Masonary Infill walls
    The Stability of Elastic Equilibrium
    The Stability of the Elastic Equlibrium
    The Tall Buildings Initiative
    Theories and Applications of Plate Analysis by Rudolph Szilard
    Theory and Analysis of Nonlinear Framed Structures
    Theory of Arched Structures
    Theory of Structures
    Theory of Structures
    The_Design of Water Retaining Structures
    Thin Plates and Shells - Theory, Analysis and Applications
    Thin-Walled Structures with Structural Imperfections
    Three Dimensional Static Analysis of Structures
    Three Dimensional Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structure
    Tilt Up Concrete Buildings - Design Guide
    Time Effects in Concrete Structures -R.Gilbert
    Time Saving Concrete Structure - Two Way Post Tension Design
    Time Saving Design Aids - Columns
    Torsion of Circular Section
    Ultimate limit state design of concrete structures - A new approach
    Understanding Structural Analysis
    Using Spreadsheets and VBA for Teaching Civil Engineering Concepts
    Validation and Prectical Procedure for Vibration Evaluation of Tendons
    Validation of Prestressed Concrete I beam Deflection and Camber Estimates
    Verification of Strut and Tie Method
    Vibration Analysis with Matlab
    Vibration of Buildings to Wind and Earthquake Loads - T.Balendra
    Vibration of Mindlin Plates
    Vibration of Shells
    Widespan Roof Structures
    Wind and Earthquake Resistant Building
    Wind Effect on Structures
    Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind Sensitive Structures
    Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures
    Wind Loading of Structures
    Wind Loading Structures
    Wind Loads for Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities
    Worked Example to Eurocode 2 Vol. 1
    Worked examples  in EC3 and EC4
    Worked Examples for the Design of Concrete Buildings
    Worked Examples for the Design of Concrete Buildings_1
    Worked Examples to EC2
    Analysis and Design of Foundations
    Design and Construction of Concrete Masonry Building
    Design of Structures with Yeild Lines
    Structural Detailing
    Concrete DesignComplition by Eng. Khalid
    Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics
    Matrix Analysis of Structures
    Modelling of creep of Structural Analysis
    Reinforced concrete Design guide
    Reinforced concrete Design according to ACI 318-05
    Concrete detailing
    Structural Analaysis (3rd Edition)
    Structural Stress Analysis
    Structural calculations for Cold formed Building
    200 Questions and Answers on Practical Civil Engineering Works
    A Brief Study of Using Membrane Sheel Plate in Assigning a Slab or Wall
    A Practical Equation for Elastic Modulus of Concrete
    Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures
    Advances in FRP Composites in Civil Engineering
    Aluminum Design Manual
    Analysis And Design Of Marine Structures
    Analysis and Design of Shear Wall
    Analysis Of Shear Wall Subjected To Lateral Load
    Analytical Modelling of Structural Systems
    ASCE 7-10 Wind Loads For Signs, Other Structures, Roof top Structures & Equipment, And Other Special Conditions
    Basic Principles of Plate Theory
    Behavior, Analysis, And Design Of Complex Wall Systems
    BIM Handbook - A Guide To Building Information Modeling For Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, And Contractors
    Braced Frameworks An Introduction to the Theory of Structures
    Buckling Experiments Experimental Methods in Buckling of Thin-Walled Structures (Vol 1)
    Buckling Experiments Experimental Methods in Buckling of Thin-Walled Structures (Vol 2)
    Building Engineering and Systems Design
    Building Information Modeling
    Burj Dubai Structural Systems
    Column Shortening in Tall Structures
    Comparison Of Computer Programs For Analysis Of Reinforced Slopes
    Composite Structures, Design, Safety And Innovation
    Composites For Construction - Structural Design With FRP Materials
    Computational Methods in Reinforced Concrete Structure
    Computer Aided Analysis and Design
    Computer Simulation of Ultimate Strength Degradation of Ship Structures by Corrosion and Fatigue
    Concrete Curing of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Volume 1
    Concrete Formwork Systems
    Concrete Shear Wall Design
    Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Structures
    Construction of Fills
    Core Structures
    Design And Analysis Of Heavily Loaded Reinforced Concrete Link Beams For Burj Dubai
    Design Of Foundations For Dynamic Loads
    Design of Liquid-containing Concrete Structures for Earthquake Forces
    Design Of Modern Highrise Reinforced Concrete Structures
    Design of Offshore Concrete Structures
    Design Of Pile Foundations Following Eurocode 7
    Design of Prestressed Concrete
    Design Of Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Centric Load According To Eurocode 2
    Design Of Reinforced Masonry Structures
    Design of Structural Elements
    Design of Timber Structures According to EC 5
    Design Table for Water-Retaining Structures
    Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures
    Durability Design Of Concrete Structures - Part 1 Analysis Fundamentals
    Durability Design of Concrete Structures
    Durability Of Engineering Structures
    Economic Concrete Frame Elements
    Elastic Foundations
    Elementary Theory of Elastic Plates
    Energy Theorems and Structural Analysis
    Engineers -a History Of Engineering And Structural Design
    Eurocode 2 - Design of Concrete Structures
    Eurocode 2 Worked Examples
    Eurocode 8 - Seismic Design of Buildings Worked examples
    Eurocodes Background & Applications - Structural Fire Design
    Explosion-Resistant Buildings
    Failures In Concrete Structures Span-depth Ratios For One-way Members Based On Aci 318 Deflection Limits
    Failures In Concrete Structures
    Finite Element Design of Concrete
    Finite Element Structural Analysis On An Excel Spreadsheet
    Foundation Design For The Burj Dubai – The World’s Tallest Building
    Fundamentals Of Building Construction
    Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete Design
    Global Structural Analysis of Buildings
    Guidance for the Design of Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
    Handbook 1 - Timber Structures
    Hybrid Solutions for Tall Buildings
    ICE Manual Of Structural Design - Buildings
    Inelastic Analys of Structures
    Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement
    Introduction to Civil Engineering Systems
    Introduction to Structural Aluminium Design
    Lifetime-oriented Structural Design Concepts
    Manual For The Design Of Building Structures To Eurocode 1 And Basis Of Structural Design
    Manual For The Design Of Concrete Building Structures To Eurocode 2
    Manual For The Seismic Design Of Steel And Concrete Buildings To Eurocode 8
    Materials and Joints in Timber Structures
    Minimum Reinforcement in Concrete Members
    Modern Prestressed Concrete - Design Principles And Construction Methods
    Multi-scale Modeling of Structural Concrete
    Nonlinear Earthquake Response Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
    Nonlinear Structural Analysis For Seismic Design
    Numerical Structural Analysis
    Offshore Structure Modeling
    Optimal Structural Analysis
    Optimum Location of Shear Wall in Tall Buildings
    Performance Assessment Of Shear-Critical Reinforced Concrete Plane Frames
    Plasticity in Reinforced Concrete
    Prestressed Concrete A Fundamental Approach
    Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design
    Principles of Reinforced Concrete
    Progressive Collapse Resistance of Axially-Restrained Frame Beams
    Punching Strength of Reinforced Concrete Footings
    Pushover Analysis For Performance Based-seismic Design Of Rc Frames With Shear Walls
    Pushover Analysis Of A 19 Story Concrete Shear Wall Building
    Recommendations For The Permissible Stress Design Of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures (2)
    Recommendations For The Permissible Stress Design Of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures
    Reinforce Concrete Chimney and Towers
    Reinforced Concrete Design - 7th Edition
    Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Examples (2nd Edition)
    Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Examples (3rd Edition)
    Reinforced Concrete Design To BS8110
    Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocodes Design Theory and Examples, Fourth Edition
    Reinforced Concrete Slabs – Analysis and Design
    Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems - Assessment, Design and Life-Cycle Performance
    Shell Elements
    Simplified Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
    Simulation Of The Shaking Table Test Of A Seven Story Shear Wall Building
    Spar Platforms - Technology And Analysis Methods
    Stability and Optimization of Flexible Space Structures
    Staircases Structural Analysis and Design
    Static and Dynamic Buckling of Thin-Walled Plate Structures
    Statics For Dummies
    Stochastic Methods in Structural Dynamics
    Structural Concrete Theory and Design (4th Edition)
    Structural Design Guide To the AISC (LRFD) Specification for Buildings
    Structural Design in Woood
    Structural Design of Masonry
    Structural Design Of Raft Foundation
    Structural Design of Tall Building
    Structural Design Report for 3 Storey Building
    Structural Elements Design Manual Working with Eurocodes
    Structural Elements Design Manual
    Structural Engineering of Transmission Lines
    Structural Engineering Reference Manual
    Structural Foundation Designers Manual
    Structural Impact Of Construction Loads
    Structural Mechanics- Graph and Matric Method
    Structural Modeling And Analysis
    Structural Optimization With Uncertainties
    Structural Steel Drafting and Design (2nd Edition)
    Structures for Nuclear Facilities Analysis, Design, and Construction
    Structures For Nuclear Facilities
    Summation Theorems In Structural Stability
    The Analysis of Cable & Catenary Structures
    The Analysis Of Stress And Deformation
    The Boundary Element Method in Engineering
    The Construction of New Buildings Behind Historic Facades
    The History of the Theory of Structures From Arch Analysis to Computational Mechanics
    The International Handbook of FRP Composites in Civil Engineering
    The Tensioned Fabric Roof
    Theory Of Nonlinear Structural Analysis
    Theory of Plasticity and Limit Design of Plates
    Timber Research and Development Association, Institution of Structural Engineers  Manual for the design of timber building structures to Eurocode 5 2007
    Tower foundation design
    UBC Checklist
    Worked Examples According to EN1993-1-3 Eurocode 3
    Worked Examples for the Design of Concrete Buildings

Structural Analysis and Design Books (Updates on 1.2.2015) | 2.91 GB​

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI

Structural Analysis and Design Books (Updates on 4.2.2014) | 8.91 GB
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX

Disqus Shortname

Comments system